关于 Northwood University




竞技宝app下载通过沉浸式学习激发人的潜能,促进经济自由, 对每个人来说, 到处都是.


We affirm the natural yearning in every human heart to be free. Our academic community welcomes individuals, their distinctive talents, and their potential to make a difference through a life well spent. 竞技宝app下载相信:

  • The advantages of an entrepreneurial, free society

  • Individual freedom and personal responsibility

  • Leading from a foundation of ethics and integrity

  • Embracing the global and multicultural nature of enterprise

  • 在一个包容的社区中庆祝个人的独特性和观点的多样性

Code of Ethics

The community of students, 竞技宝app下载大学的教职员工确认这一道德准则是推进竞技宝app下载使命的行为, vision and values.






Show compassion for the feelings, thoughts, and conditions of others.


Seek the spiritual development necessary to create our happiness, 灵感, 崇敬, 意义, 和目的.


Embrace truthfulness, 公平, 和正直, 并要求在竞技宝app下载自己和与竞技宝app下载交往的人身上不存在欺诈或欺骗.


Demonstrate persistence, 的决心, 为了实现竞技宝app下载的目标而努力,并为他人的高成就而鼓掌.


Be guided by a code of behavior which reflects our values, unimpeded by circumstance, 个人利益, public pressure, or private temptation.



Outcomes and Attributes

Common Degree Outcomes

大学教育包括通过课程和课外经历进行学习,使竞技宝app下载的毕业生能够获得共同学位成果. 竞技宝app下载的学习社区促进了六项成果的实现,这些成果成为竞技宝app下载毕业生共同的能力.

  • Articulate and apply the principles and values of freedom and free-enterprise.

  • Communicate effectively in speech and writing.

  • 表现出批判性思维、分析能力和解决问题的能力.

  • Demonstrate foundational knowledge of the functional areas of business.

  • Demonstrate acumen applied to the global business environment.

  • Demonstrate effective leadership, teamwork, and interpersonal skills.

Attributes of our 研究生s

At Northwood, we emphasize qualitative personal development. Through purposeful programming and course offerings we develop individuals who: can explain their personal values; appreciate the aesthetic, creative and spiritual elements of life; seek lifelong education; are effective self-evaluators and action-oriented. 这些特点包含了竞技宝app下载培养全球自由企业社会未来领导者的整体方法.

History of Northwood

3月23日, 1959, two young men with an idea, 一个目标, and a pragmatic philosophy to encompass it all, 他们从传统的大学结构中挣脱出来,创造了一种新的教育理念.

Their visionary idea became a reality when Dr. 亚瑟E. 特纳博士. R. Gary Stauffer enrolled 100 students at Northwood Institute. They used a 19th-century mansion in Alma, 密歇根, as a school building, 少量的借款用于经营费用,大量的确定.

Northwood was created as the world was changing. The Russians had launched Sputnik and America was soon to follow. Stauffer and Turner watched the race to space. 他们设想了一种新型的大学——一种以管理教学为主导的大学. While the frontiers of space were revealing their mysteries, Stauffer and Turner understood all endeavors – technical, 制造业, 市场营销, 零售, every type of business – needed state-of-the-art, ethics-driven management.


Dr. 大卫E. Fry took the helm in 1982, Dr. 基思一. Pretty in 2006 and Dr. Kent MacDonald in 2019, each continuing the same ideals as Stauffer and Turner, never wavering from the core values. The University grew and matured. Academic curricula expanded; Northwood went from being an Institute to an accredited University, the DeVos 研究生 School of Management was created and then expanded; the Adult Degree Program and its program centers expanded to over 20 locations in eight states; international program centers were formed in Malaysia, People's Republic of China, 斯里兰卡, and 瑞士; and significant construction like the campus 竞技宝app下载安装 Centers added value to the Northwood students' experience. New endeavors such as Aftermarket Studies, entertainment and sports management and fashion merchandising, along with a campus partnership in Montreux, 瑞士, demonstrate an enriched experience for all our students.

其明确的使命是培养推动全球经济和社会进步的自由企业领袖, 竞技宝app下载大学正在扩大其在国内和国际场所的存在. Professors are engaged in economic and policy dialogue; students are emerging as champions in regional and national academic competitions. At all campuses and in all divisions, 竞技宝app下载大学充满活力,积极追求动态规划和扩大影响力.

竞技宝app下载大学培养管理人员和企业家-高技能和道德的领导者. 拥有57,000多名校友和充满活力的未来,竞技宝app下载理念充满活力.

The Northwood Idea


We view a Northwood University education as an investment in your future. 任何将时间投入竞技宝app下载教育的人都放弃了将时间投入到他或她在那段时间可能从事的所有其他追求的机会.

The Value of The Idea

Northwood graduates emerge prepared to shape their world.

We believe and teach that…

  • 竞争性的、富有成效的努力可以克服障碍、解决问题并实现目标.

  • Human beings can make a difference in the world in which they live.

  • 政治和经济自由对于释放创造力和生产力至关重要.

  • Sacrifice – savings – is a necessary prerequisite to progress.

  • 基于贡献的机会平等和使用相同标准的报酬不平等不仅是适当的,而且是必要的条件, in a system not forced into conformity with some master plan.

  • 正是竞技宝app下载之间的差异使竞技宝app下载彼此有趣和有用.

  • We need the freedom to fail.

  • We must be free to bear the positive and negative consequences of our actions.

  • In a competitive system, all who participate benefit from it.

  • 作为一个社会, 除非在极少数和有限的情况下,竞技宝app下载不能从合法垄断的建立中获益.

  • 对艺术和人文学科的理解和欣赏是人类丰富生活的主要来源.

  • Education is never something that one person can do to another. It is, rather, something two people do together.

We dedicate ourselves to…

消除人为的障碍,使全人类机会均等. Racial, religious and sexual barriers are anathema to us.


A healthy skepticism of large and powerful government, 因为竞技宝app下载认为,历史已经清楚地表明,这种结构会迅速地从属于人民的结构走向凌驾于人民之上的结构, and freedom is lost in the balance. 竞技宝app下载对单一权力的不容忍在商业、劳工和政府领域都是一致的.